Shruti has been coming to Artbox for many years and identifies as an artist. She says “I feel more comfortable doing art [than in] the rest of my life”.
In addition to being very focused in the studio, she produces artwork out of the studio and visits galleries looking for inspiration. Her main inspiration has been her own mantras as of late. She has been taking a meditative approach to her work and includes affirmations like “relaxed”, “slowly” and “calm”. Shruti shares these affirmations with others and her presence alone is enough to relax those around her.
Shruti gains a lot of confidence when she creates a detailed piece - showcasing all the time and precise work that goes into her art makes her feel accomplished and proud. “I feel interested when making art, it’s like my heart. I love being an artist. Happy, excited – I do more. My life is artist. My mum is so proud of me. When she comes home from work, I show her my artwork and she says ‘wow’. I feel happy and proud of myself.”
When artists’ families feel proud of their artwork and participation in Artbox, and the artists are aware of their family’s pride and happiness, this translates into the artists feeling a sense of achievement and recognition. This then bolsters their self esteem, mental health and independence.
“I feel interested when making art, it’s like my heart. I love being an artist. Happy, excited – I do more. My life is artist. My mum is so proud of me. When she comes home from work, I show her my artwork and she says ‘wow’. I feel happy and proud of myself.”
Original art:
Photos from the studio:
Acrylic on paper