
Be Inspired3.jpg

Sabrina’s work is motivated by her interest in people and place. In the past her work has focused on the cultures of Canada and Scotland, yet, since a December 2021 trip to the US, her primary focus has been the culture of Texas.

She has developed a repertoire of distinctive characters, personifying a selection of towns and cities in this state. Although each character is particular, with their own attributes and relationships, the characters are unified by Sabrina's signature rounded, economical style.

Sabrina’s palette is both vibrant and sympathetic to her subject matter. In recent months, she has enjoyed reworking drawings using the riso printer, which allows her to overlay pre-selected tonal combinations onto her creations. When sharing her work with others, she enlists her fellow artists in performing the narrative of her scenes, encouraging them to speak in the local accent and dialect of the characters she is creating. Her friends thus become familiar with her characters, which have developed a life beyond the page.

She is very interested in social and political ideas, especially promoting equality and diversity. Many of her characters are LGBTQ+ and her storylines explore the joys and challenges of these identities in the conservative state of Texas.

All of us at Artbox are impressed by the sheer volume of work Sabrina has created. Visit her site and see for yourself.


Photos from the studio: