
Michaela loves bright colours and striking abstract art. The way she holds her mark making tools (paint brushes, pastels, pens) creates beautifully distinctive and meandering marks. Her movements are ethereal and instinctive. 

Michaela gets real pride from showing her artwork to friends and peers, and thrives on feedback from others. “I just like doing things. I like drawing. I like looking at different pictures. I like making pictures with lots of colour. I like to take them home so they make my room look nice.”

Michaela is constantly surprised by what she can achieve and she is always looking to share the pride and amazement she gets from completing a complex piece of work. The studio atmosphere has supported Michaela’s social wellbeing, belonging to a dynamic group has boosted her skills in emotional regulation and she now leans into being part of the group. As a result of feeling proud of her work and more confident, as well as feeling comfortable in the studio’s community, Michaela has experienced an enduring lift in her mood and levelling of her emotions.

Original Art:

Michaela in the studio: