
Beginning by sourcing imagery from art history and working predominantly with watercolour, pastel and charcoal, Emma creates seas of colour that are completely her own. Emma is particularly inspired by women’s stories and seeks to highlight these in her portraits. 

She enjoys relaying the narrative of her artworks, which serve as a portal to her fascination with history, art, and culture. The Artbox library has provided endless inspiration, and outings with the group have revealed her keen artist eye. No matter the artistic movement Emma is drawing from, she creates work in her unique visual language. 

A beacon of enthusiasm and passion, Emma never fails to put a smile on everyone's face with her singing and storytelling. When Emma arrives for her sessions, she glows with confidence, and it is evident she feels empowered in the studio and proud of her work and method. The ritual of her practice and the routine of attending Artbox workshops gives her structure and a feeling of security. Thus, she has a strong presence in the studio, taking on a caring and supportive role in the group. Perhaps Emma sees herself reflected in the women she paints; they are confident women in their chosen environments, and she is too.

Original Art:


Emma in the studio: