Studio volunteering
Kate giving a printmaking demonstration at an event in FOLD gallery
Written by our Friday studio volunteer, Kate
I’ve been volunteering with Artbox since last April. I work with the Artbox artists on Friday mornings at their Islington studio.
The artists and other volunteers are incredibly welcoming and made me feel part of the “team” on my very first visit. The session always begins with each person saying something about what they’ve been up to in the previous week (which is often quite entertaining!) and then we divide up into groups to work on the artists’ individual projects. Depending on numbers, the volunteers will either work with one or more artists and often work with different artists from week to week.
Each artist has their own portfolio of work, which contains work they have made and ideas for future pieces, so volunteers can take a look at those to see the type of work the artist is interested in. There are a lot of different art materials to choose from at the studio depending on each artist’s preference. Each of the artists has their own particular style and method of working. We usually work with the artists for an hour or so, before tidying up. At the end of the session, each artist shows and discusses the work they have made that day and listens to feedback from the others in the group. The artists are incredibly proud of their own work and are extremely supportive of each other.
There are also visits to galleries or museums, which are always a lot of fun and which both artists and volunteers enjoy. I love hearing the artists’ thoughts and opinions about the work on display. Last summer, we went to the Royal Academy Summer Show and recently we have seen the Pablo Picasso portrait exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery. Next up is Robert Rauschenberg at Tate Modern, which I’m sure will give the artists a lot of food for thought!
Volunteering at Artbox is always a very uplifting experience: the artists are very positive, kind, thoughtful and funny and I can guarantee that you’ll leave each session with a very big smile!
If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the form below: