
Loane makes work with spirit, energy, and joy, despite the significant challenges she faces as a blind person. Since joining Artbox in 2020, she has experimented with a range of approaches to image making and drawing, utilising all manner of different mediums, textures, colours and methods. She generally builds images over long periods of time, overlapping layers of rhythmic, repetitive marks in pastel or paint, often using blu-tac attached to the surface to guide her hand and as an aid to composition.

Recently, she has started to incorporate sensory elements into her pieces, such as including scented materials like incense, spices and dried herbs in her drawings, or creating 3 dimensional textural pieces that hang like mobiles to be interacted with. 

Loane is also a musical artist - a singer, performer and recording artist under the moniker “Bonnyphile”, releasing her first album “Blue Storm” in 2022 and her second album “Vision of Sound” in 2024. From time to time, she has drawn on her ability as a singer to create sound based pieces that augment her visual work. 

Original art:

Loane in the studio: