
Lee produces art inspired by the culture, people and places. He has been fascinated in ancient Egypt since he first studied the subject at school, which led to the nickname “Lee-gyptologist” amongst his fellow artists at Artbox.

Although many of his earlier pieces were inspired by ancient Egypt, he has also created illustrations on birds, transport and London. Lee is a big fan of the social aspect of Artbox as well and always takes part in our outings. He loves all kinds of art and culture and relishes any type of exhibition we visit.

In 2020, Oxford University Press licensed one of Lee’s artworks to use on the print and digital cover of one of their new publications - Oxford Textbook of the Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability. We think this was a great use of Lee’s bold designs. Lee really enjoys selling his artwork:

I couldn’t believe how much it was when I got my money when I sold my art. It was the first time I got paid – I couldn’t believe it. I thought no way would I get money and then I did.
I feel fantastic and it gives me confidence!
— Lee

Original art:


Photos from the studio: